For the
last one week, the articles have been circulating in News Papers and Magazines, in
all languages, on International women’s day. Lot of articles based on feminism
ideology have been shared, read,
discussed at different levels, but the
facts have remained unchanged in
many parts of the countries. Women have been subjected to oppression and
harassment all over the world since many decades and it has continued.
The word ‘feminism’ I had heard when I was studying in art school.
Later, the ideology integrated into my life and become a second skin. As a
woman, the philosophy insisted, I became more and more conscious of the
ideology and its implementation . When I subject myself to self analysis, I realise that I am a born
feminist because since my childhood I have clearly stated my likes and dislikes
frankly and honestly. I have never tried to please anyone, not even my parents.
So I was labelled as eccentric and different. To my father’s chagrin, I always
differed, when my brother always agreed
to my dad’s opinions. I wanted to lead my life the way I wanted, and I have
lived as I have wished.
Woolf's essay A room of one's own - speaks about the conditions of women writers
in those days. Virginia states that woman with no space of her own cannot express her views and opinions confidently
and frankly. Along with that she insists that financial independence is also necessary for
women to come out with their true expressions and to lead meaningful life.
Women are totally subjugated and moulded
so as to respect and sacrifice for men.
Sacrifice is counted as a virtue of a
good woman by men, and good women are forced to sacrifice, whether they are
willing or not. Since decades men have been dictating as how women should
behave , lead life according to their
whims and fancies. In the whole process, woman has been downtrodden, marginalised
and has lost entity. American philosopher Ayn Rand speaks of
selfishness as a virtue, and all women should inculcate this virtue and change their age
old attitude. A bit of selfishness, a bit of private space, a bit of financial independence will change a woman's outlook. Every woman should aspire for her room, her
personal space, where one can discover one's new identities , new avenues to
lead rich and beautiful life. A room of one's own symbolises many things- a
personal space, privacy to analyse one's dreams and passions, to live in
harmony with oneself, independence and so on. In this room, in this space of
privacy, one will be able to understand and discover oneself.
We speak of feminist
ideology , speak of equal rights, of voting power and property rights , in
length and breadth, but here is an example which shows how things have remained
untouched in some places.
A few years back, a house wife was narrating her
experience to her family friends at a party. At first, it seemed meaningless as
I do not indulge in gossip. On close
hearing, I realised the point of discrimination and how badly she has been
treated by her husband. She was narrating that she was seriously sick and
hospitalized for some months. Her dutiful husband made it a point to visit her
every day at the hospital, stand at the door of her room for five minutes and
go back. He never stepped into the room, never spent time with her in the
hospital, during her months long stay in the hospital. This incident hardened
her feelings, made her lose love and respect for her husband forever. This poor
woman does not know anything about gender equality or feminism. I felt very
sorry for both. Men spend their whole life with their wives, but
still refuse to give the due respect they deserve because these women are not
educated and financially independent. Comparing to these incidents, now the
scenario has changed a bit and for the better. Women have been excelling in all
the felids on par with the men. For me, it is really a matter of pride.
Now women are well educated, doing jobs, and are independent financially. With good education and financial
independence, women have started progressing and achieving things and this certainly has given
a different sort of confidence to women.
As more and more women realise their identities and real value of existence, they will try to have
careers and lead meaningful life.
Clarity of thinking will provide a fundamental base to all women to realise
their dreams and live it to the full. For this,
a woman needs space and time to
think of herself. Space and time at
women's disposal, women will come out with wonderful things for herself and for the
whole world.
Linguistic studies reflect how women are kept out of the
centre , out of focus, purposely by men.
The arrangement of words like father and mother, brother and sister – indicate
the first preference given to male. This has been structured, manipulated and built up systematically over period, so as to keep women out of the centre. Throughout
history, all achievements have been attributed to men signifying that women’s
existence is marginal and her contributions are negligible. Through the study of art and literature one comes to know how woman has been marginalized since decades.
Even in art history, there is no proper documentation of women artists. While reading, one come across such details
as women were not permitted to study painting but were allowed to study only craft and culinary art in those
days. To break all these shackles and move forward , women need ample courage
and incessant efforts.There is a sign of progress as women have entered into all fields on
equal foot with men. It is mainly education
which has empowered women and enabled
them to venture in to new felids which were
earlier meant for men only. With a
strong demand for space
and time for oneself, women can progress
fast and lead a contented life.
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