Contemporary Movies With A Difference : Pink, Chalk n' Duster, Agasi Parlour and Angry Indian Goddesses
I have been seeing movies continuously for the last two to three months.
This includes Hindi, English and regional movies as well. Certainly, there is a remarkable change in
movie making, and certainly it has changed for the better over the years. Socio-political
themes interest the producers and directors a lot nowadays. Lot of new
ideologies and concepts have crept into new movies. The present day movie
directors are contemporary issue conscious, language and scripts conscious and
know how to blend technology with that. Especially new directors and script
writers are trying to approach small unnoticed but very important issues of our
daily life with a touch of research and present them to the public consciousness.
These small issues hitherto ignored and marginalized have taken the center
stage these days. Lot of experimentation is taking place in the content
handling in innovative ways. The recent movies based globalization,
urbanization, and post modern philosophy celebrates hybridization of elements.
In this context, many films have collaged animated fragments into it or to touch
upon nostalgia, some films have incorporated some historical scenes and songs
from the old classical movies. Advanced technology has not only improved the
quality but also has made it easier to make films with special effects. Today,
even school students are doing short films with their mobiles and screening
them on social net works.
Pink - A
few days back I saw the thought provoking movie Pink in the television. Very
sensitively and intelligently made this film focuses on gender issue and
presents how a patriarchal society perceives an independent and liberated
woman, and takes advantage of the situation. The dressing codes and behavioral
codes of liberated women as signs are here decoded according to the wisdom and taste
of the patriarchal society. Hence, meanings are attributed arbitrarily and
dependant on contexts, every sign can generate multiple meanings. Cultural
contexts are very important for the hermeneutics. The court scenes in the film
are very convincingly etched out with straight and powerful dialogues. As a
lawyer in the film, Amitab Bachchan's acting is superb, spotless and
humanistic. The perception of Woman as an object of pleasure has not changed
since decades even though feminist movements have been making efforts to erase
the gender discriminations. This film is directed by Aniruddha Roy Chodhary,
and produced by Rashmi Sharma and Shoojit Sircar. Tapasee Pannu as the lead
role has graciously contributed to film as a forceful modern independent woman.
Chalk n Duster-
Recently, one particular movie interested me very much that is Chalk and
Duster. Veteran actors like Shabhna Azmi, Juhi Chawla and Girish
karnad have enacted in this film. The film revolves around the present
education pattern in the nation and how some people try to make business out of
education pattern. It reflects the present education scenario of our country.
The real meaning of education seems to have lost its significance - dedication,
hard work, sincerity, simplicity, empathy - all ethos seem to have lost place
in the corrupt education pattern. The film has a very contemporary and
realistic approach and shows the significance of talented and intelligent
teachers who are the true pillars of education where even attractive infrastructures
fail to contribute. Teachers who build the character of the children are very
much looked down upon and poorly paid. By seeing this kind of movies, the
educational institutions should correct the education pattern which is being
corrupted by the capitalists. The film
is short and neat. This film is directed by Jayant Gilatar and produced by Amin
Agasi parlour -
Last week, a regional film named Agasi
parlour was screened and a large gathering was there to view the film
as the film could not get the mainstream release. The film is about urbanization- the move from
old patterned hair cutting saloon to hi-tech parlor.The name of the film itself
shows the hybridization. Agasi is a Kannada Language word which means the main
portal of the village. Parlour is an English word. Agasi Parlour as a metaphor
stands for globalization and urbanization. The film tries to portray the
changes that are socially taking place in the rural areas and how it affects
the people connected within that set up. The main barber character, a dejected
and pessimistic role, is played by Prakash Belavawadi, a film maker, where as
his wife's role is very optimistic and energetic throughout the film. The
script writing is very good and tight. The director has really made sincere
efforts to capture the beauty of north karnataka kannada language through his
brilliant script writing. The pronunciation, the slang have come out
brilliantly through the matured acting of the artists. Mahantesh Ramdurg is
basically a theatre artist and his passions for films compelled him to script
and direct this movie himself along with one theatre artist. Though this is a
debut venture, he has done sensitively.
Indian Goddesses: This is a feminist
theme oriented film, where only female characters dominate the film space. Each
girl is interested in making a career for herself and wants to lead an
independent life. A bunch of young girls from different fields with future dreams
in their eyes meet for one of the friend's marriage at a house in Goa. The
dress and the behavior of the girls suggest how the society is changing.
Smoking and drinking, until now restricted to male, have taken a way in to the
everyday life of women. The film deals with the issues like identity crisis,
lesbian, rape, and finally it totals up
to existentialism. The comparison between the Indian goddesses and these
independent open minded girls opens out on new line. Indian Goddesses, most of
them, are angry goddesses are prayed and revered, whereas these girls named
after these goddesses are tortured and harassed.
Latest movies dare to showcase the present
realities vividly in simple and direct way. Highly forbidden topics are decoded
and bared before the audience, so that the very thin line of demarcation
between personal and public has been erased. New identity issues like gay and
lesbian have been explored openly in literature, theatre, movies and art. So in
this way, life is being covered holistically and showcased.
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