Coffee Mug: The celebrity
Smiling happy birthday
coffee mug I am!
I entered this house as a birthday gift
presented to my owner on her birthday by her special friend. Therefore,
naturally I deserve an important and respectable place here. You see, guys,
Birthday mugs are specially designed for birthday occasions with lots of
specification. As you have not seen me personally, I would like to detail about
myself. I am big and fair with a shining steel rim at the top, and a delicate steel
handle, which beautifies me even more. All around my body I have beautiful
happy birthday literature in black and red, in different styles and fonts. My
cousins Pinky, Greenie, Blackie and others are plain in looks and they are jealous
of my beauty and status at home.
daily work schedule starts at half past five in the morning. Reluctantly I get
up and start to work. Hot brewing coffee I have to serve to my Boss. I take my
first shower bath under the tap and get ready. Daily, almost ten to fifteen
times, I take shower bath in the sink tub. Sometimes the water is cold, sometimes
lukewarm. After the shower I am toweled and get ready to serve. With hot
brewing coffee, I walk towards the main hall, where the bustling of the daily
newspapers is going on. When I arrive in the hall with sweet floating aroma, my
boss greets me with a splendid smile and stretches her hand out to me. Now I
sit with her cozily for half an hour to forty-five minutes. This is the best
time of the day for me. With my Lady Boss I read about Government’s Ordinance,
the predicament of Scotland, the spiced Hollywood news, and SBI’s lending rates
at the end. The freshness of the newspapers is so irritating to me that I want
to imprint them with my round coffee stains. At this point I am worried about
my existence. Reading about Existentialism
has not only inspired, but prompts me to act in a positive manner. My woman
boss tells everyone that I inspire her a great deal.
owner’s friends admire my beauty in front of my cousins. How bad they feel! I
always sit on the glass table and evaluate my beauty through the reflection.
Sometimes, while me sitting precariously at the edge of the table placed by an
insensible guest, I get the feeling that I may fall down any moment and break down
into number of pieces and die as an unsung hero. My owner sensing my helplessness
pulls me a little bit inside. A sigh of relief emits from me. There are some
occasions,I get suffocated with the cigarette smoke when discussions are
hot and spicy. I catch bits of that spicy discussion, when great writers as
ghosts enter into the interaction with their works for critical analysis and
approval. Usually after the discussions, drained out, I walk towards the
kitchen to take a shower to refresh myself.
the showers I meet number of visitors, some very pleasing, some arrogant, some
rude and undisciplined. By their touches I can unravel their nature and assess
the thoughts buried in heads. Some guests who have aesthetic sense appreciate
my beauty eying me from all sides, and praise coffee for its taste and
fragrance. Guests who are engrossed in themselves, do not even notice whether they
are drinking coffee or tea, leave alone my beauty. Some are so rude and
uncultured that they handle me roughly and drink coffee making lots of noise,
and at the end place me on the floor between their feet. Sitting there
helplessly, I tremble that any moment they will trample me under their feet
while leaving the place. Everyone has to die.
In the evenings, I sit with Kafka, Dostoyevsky,
Milton and other great personalities of yester years. All these companions make
me heavy and sleepy. I cannot afford to sleep as I have to keep serving. Sitting
very next to Kafka, I had a chance to glimpse through The Metamorphosis, and that interested me a lot. In the afternoon,
when I am in the half-awake and half-sleepy state, I dream of metamorphosing myself into a beautiful
bird or butterfly and fly away to an unknown island where words play no gamesGayatri Desai
copyrights reserved
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